1. My Ages Apart (2017) - MyDramaList
Cast & Crew · Episode Guide · Reviews
The mentor-mentee pair of Sung Chung Gei and Kuang Gong Sang are widely lauded in the banking industry. However, to advance his career, Kuang Gong Sang...

2. My Ages Apart (TV Series 2017-2018) - The Movie Database
Series Cast ; Bobby Au-Yeung as Sung Chung Kei. Bobby Au-Yeung. Sung Chung Kei. 50 Episodes ; Moses Chan as Kwong Kong Sang · Moses Chan. Kwong Kong Sang. 50 ...

3. My Ages Apart | Watch in English Subtitles For Free - TVBAnywhere
As Sung Chung Gei tries to figure out how to recover what he had lost, he meets a sixty year old man, Lau Hang. The two click instantly. It turns out that Lau ...
The mentor-mentee pair of Sung Chung Gei and Kuang Gong Sang are widely lauded in the banking industry. However, to advance his career, Kuang Gong Sang purposefully transfers Sung Chung Gei to a foreign office. Unfortunately, Sung Chung Gei's plane crashes on the way there. When he awakens, he discovers that he is now in the body of an post-'90s youth, Bao Bao, who lives with his aunt, Bao Mei Na. Sung Chung Gei watches as Kuang Gong Sang flirts with his wife, Ling Kit Yue, and wealthy heiress Sheung Ho Yiu. As Sung Chung Gei tries to figure out how to recover what he had lost, he meets a sixty year old man, Lau Hang. The two click instantly. It turns out that Lau Hang experienced the same fate of switching bodies...
4. Notable Performances in “My Ages Apart” - JayneStars.com
5 dec 2017 · We didn't find out about it until two days prior to filming. We had a shorter time to rehearse.” In addition to the superb acting by Moses, ...
5. My Ages Apart 誇世代(TVB Drama DVD) Collector's Edition
My Ages Apart is a 2017 comedy drama produced by TVB starring Bobby Au-yeung, Moses Chan, Louis Cheung, Kristal Tin, Ali Lee and Maggie Shiu. 《夸世代》是一 ...
My Ages Apart is a 2017 comedy drama produced by TVB starring Bobby Au-yeung, Moses Chan, Louis Cheung, Kristal Tin, Ali Lee and Maggie Shiu. 《夸世代》是一部香港无线时装商战、科幻、喜剧、恩仇电视剧,由欧阳震华、陈豪、张继聪、田蕊妮、李佳芯及邵美琪领衔主演,并由许绍雄、关礼杰、森美、江美仪、龚嘉欣及姜大卫联合主演。监制陈维冠。该剧制作费逾5000万港元。此剧为2017无线节目巡礼14部剧集之一、无线海外业务及简介2017所推介的17部剧集之一、2017年香港国际影视展16部剧集之一,亦为无线电视50周年4部台庆剧之一。该剧主要讲述宋仲基因一次坠机意外与包豹互换身体,与邝港生和刘行联手,兵分三路混入尚家的故事。于2017年11月6日在TVB首播,获得2017年度TVB万千星辉颁奖典礼最佳剧集奖。

6. “My Ages Apart” Ending Goes From Plastic to Legendary
My Ages Apart <誇世代> is kind of blowing ... 50 episode but doesnt feel that long as its wicked funny and the cast was awesome! ... Maggie Shiu Films "Undercover ...
WARNING: The following article contains minor spoilers for the TVB drama My Ages Apart, ending January 12, 2018.
7. [PDF] Chinese women's cinema through a feminist lens - Research Explorer
Wang Zheng's book Finding Women in the State (2017) struck me ... to cinema, especially in the films of the fifth generation male directors ... A couple of years ...
8. Hong Kong artists Moses Chan and Ali Lee on their TV chemistry
18 nov 2019 · The couple prides their long-lasting marriage on the ... Derek Chang is most known for his roles in My Dear Boy (2017) ... My Ages Apart (誇世代) and ...
Both Moses Chan and Ali Lee were in town for a meet-and-greet for StarHub Night of Stars 2019 with fans on 3 Nov at Causeway Point, along with Taiwanese actor Derek Chang.
9. TVB 2017 Top Drama Countdown - CeeJay's Entertainment
4 jan 2018 · My Ages Apart (誇世代) - At 50 episodes, we ... She also always dresses in the same baggy long clothes and random beanies. ... Let us know how you ...
Thoughts and Opinions of TVB, HK dramas, and HKpop from Cee and Jay!
10. Publications by CPCE Scholars
Co-authored by Dr Oscar Chiu, Senior Lecturer of the Division of Science, Engineering Health Studies (SEHS), Dr Ben Fong, Associate Division Head of SEHS and ...
Nascent Filmmakers in Hong Kong, 2000-2020
11. Vincent Loy's Online Journal - tvb
Its dramas have been accompanying me for over 20 years ... the list of all the 2017 dramas that I have watched (completed): ... Apart' and 'Heart and Greed' to ...
The last, the most anticipated and the most prestigious of the three annual awards to honour the best of TVB programmes and artists for the year 2017, TVB Anniversary Awards 2017 breaks the tradition by delaying its ceremony to a month later to allow for the last two anniversary dramas, ‘My Ages Apart’ and ‘Heart and Greed’ to finish airing before the awards. The awards ceremony will be held on Sunday, 21st February 2018.
12. [PDF] Newsletter 91 - 香港電影資料館
cinema, like many from my generation, ... long hobby only was ill in 2017; but he persisted in his ... So he came up with a new publicity was too long, the audience ...